I did Okay

My sweet friend Katelyn.
I suppose I did okay. Yesterday was my fiddle competition in Glen Rose! It was a bunch of fun, but I was shakin' like a leaf in the wind when I got up there to play. My tunes were Allentown Polka, Kentucky Waltz, and Temperance Reel (my personal favorite). I messed up at the key change in the middle of Allentown, but recovered, so it turned out okay. Sadly, the judges caught it, duh, and it cost me a couple points, I'm sure. After all that practice, I only got 4th. Grr. Oh well. The girls that beat me were: 1st place, Lesley (Ward?), 2nd place, Maleika Nugent, (she beat me last year.) and Faith Nugent (Maleika's little sister). I think that if I hadn't messed up on that one part in Allentown, I could have gotten 3rd, not 4th. But that's okay.
Wow, that's so cool, Allie! I'm so proud of you! I wish we could see you compete sometime.
That'd be really awesome! That's okay though, I'll play you my competition tunes when you come for Thanksgiving!
I guess your head shrunk a few sizes, huh?
Love ya!!
Halcy said it was a good reality check.
But I said it lovingly! LOL
Of course! You're never mean to me.
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