Thursday, September 28, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
And yet another beautifully COLD morning here in Texas. Brrr! My friend Katie and I are planning on taking a walk, so we need to dress warmly. I'm thinking about getting one of those eskimo outfits with all the fir on the hood and the whole ten yards. :)
Katie and I got our cd done, sort of. There are 15 tracks on it.
My most recent fiddle tune is Martha Campbell, and I'm learning The Butterfly. Very pretty tune. I believe it's a jig.
VISIT: The Christian Debate Forums And Join!! They're great.
(Katie is Kallie and I'm Akatie.)
Katie and I got our cd done, sort of. There are 15 tracks on it.
My most recent fiddle tune is Martha Campbell, and I'm learning The Butterfly. Very pretty tune. I believe it's a jig.
VISIT: The Christian Debate Forums And Join!! They're great.
(Katie is Kallie and I'm Akatie.)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Hi, Alex, this is Erinn
Hi Alex - this is Erinn.
We are reading Caddie Woodlawn, and I am reading Sea Star. It is a very good book!
Did you know that the Crocodile Hunter died? Isnt it sad that he probably wasnt a Christian since he always said stuff about "Billions of years ago..." ...sounds like he believed in evolution.
love, Erinn
What Will You Choose To Do?
Yesterday, it rained a little, and as I don't care to get wet, I ran for a tree. The tree was huge, and there was a large dry mark on the ground where the tree had sheltered the ground. I noticed a squirrel hiding under there with me. (Squirrels don't like me. They throw pecans at me. Especially when I'm playing my fiddle outside on the roof.) As I stood under the leaves and looked out at all that was wet, I realized that this tree was something like the mercy of God. We can either choose to take shelter under His wings (and under His wings you shall take refuge), or we can ignore Him and get soaked by the torrents of rain.
God doesn't want us to get "soaked" by the hard times in our lives. If we trust in Him and hide under his "leaves", we will find comfort and dry ground.
Read Isaiah 53 today.
God doesn't want us to get "soaked" by the hard times in our lives. If we trust in Him and hide under his "leaves", we will find comfort and dry ground.
Read Isaiah 53 today.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Books (and hello!)
Kyria, there is a book that you might find very interesting and enjoyable, written by a friend of mine. Her name is Karen Noland, and I *think* the title is Providence. I am proofreading her sequel to it right now and enjoying it a lot. Karen is a very strong Christian who lives in Oklahoma with her husband, two kids, and LOTS of horses. Her books are set in pioneer days.
She's sending me a copy of her first book - when I'm done reading it, I would be happy to loan it to you, if you'd like to give it a try. :o)
She's sending me a copy of her first book - when I'm done reading it, I would be happy to loan it to you, if you'd like to give it a try. :o)
Some of My Faves...

It hasn't always been this way
I remember brighter days
Before the dark ones came
Stole my mind
Wrapped my soul in chains
Now I live among the dead
Fighting voices in my head
Hoping someone hears me crying in the night
And carries me away
Set me free of the chains holding me
Is there anybody out there hearing me?
Set me free
Morning breaks another day
Finds me crying in the rain
All alone with my demons I am
Who is this man that comes my way?
The dark ones shriek
They scream His name
Is this the One they say will set the captives free?
Jesus, rescue me
As the God man passes by
He looks straight through my eyes
The darkness cannot hide
Chorus 2:
Do you want to be free?
Lift your chains
I hold the key
All Power on Heaven and earth belong to me
You are free
You are free
You are free
--I really love this song. I think it's probably one of my very favorite songs ever, besides So Long Self by MercyMe and We Live, We Love by Superchi[k] (...we live, we love, we forgive and never give up, cuz the days we are given are gifts from above, so today we remember to live and to love...).
The story of Emmie Rose.
And yet another story of starvation. Please read it and pray for little Emmie Rose's parents!!
And yet another story of starvation. Please read it and pray for little Emmie Rose's parents!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I have a question for everyone. What book are you reading right now? I'm reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader to the kids. We'll finish it today and start the next book in the series tomorrow. Whenever we're driving somewhere, I'll read aloud while Rowdy drives and then he wants to hear the rest of the book because he got interested in it! It's a lot of fun.
Good morning! It's quite cold here in Texas. To us, that is. (mid 50's.)
Welcome, Lady Kyria!! I'm glad you joined.
This morning I read in good ol' Psalms... Quite nice for a change. What's your favorite book of the Bible? Think my favorite would have to be Esther. Esther or 1st Corinthians 13. That's a good chapter.
The Quebe Sisters Band is here in full force! Visit their website: They are wonderful Christians and homeschoolers. The youngest one is only 15. When we went to Randy Elmore Fiddle Camp of 2006, we didn't expect to see them there. It was such a nice surprise!
I didn't know what to write this morning, so I guess I'll skip writing a devotional. I'm gonna go read the Rebelution. -TTFN (ta-ta-for-now), Allie
Welcome, Lady Kyria!! I'm glad you joined.
This morning I read in good ol' Psalms... Quite nice for a change. What's your favorite book of the Bible? Think my favorite would have to be Esther. Esther or 1st Corinthians 13. That's a good chapter.
The Quebe Sisters Band is here in full force! Visit their website: They are wonderful Christians and homeschoolers. The youngest one is only 15. When we went to Randy Elmore Fiddle Camp of 2006, we didn't expect to see them there. It was such a nice surprise!
I didn't know what to write this morning, so I guess I'll skip writing a devotional. I'm gonna go read the Rebelution. -TTFN (ta-ta-for-now), Allie
Monday, September 18, 2006
Unequally Yoked

An exerpt from Debi Pearl's book: Created to Be His Helpmeet, pg. 233.
My Friend, the Queen
When I was a young wife, my best friend had an unsaved husband. She always reminded me of a queen. She had a certain presence about her, in addition to her beauty, poise, and intelligence. She was a pastor's daughter, raised very religiously and with high standards. But when she was 17, she crossed paths with a young man of charm, the first guy to ever show interest in her. She "fell in love" at first sight, and they ran away and married. But, he had several bad habits which included use of tobacco in various forms, cursing, screaming at her when he was mad, and porn. By the time I met her, she had come to repentance and was trying to make a go of this unequal marriage. Through God's grace and growing fear of the Lord, she was able to live out the "love" chapter of 1 Corinthians 13.
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave rudely, seeks not her own, is not easily angered, thinks no evil; rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."
When he was rude or insensitive, she did not get puffed up with righteous indignation. When he was mean and cussed at her, she was kind and suffered long. She bore with his sloppiness and believed he would bring home the paycheck instead of spending it on the way home. Most of the time, she was able to endure all things with cheer and thanksgiving.
(This woman is my hero.)
Her husband worked all night at a factory. All his fellow workers were drunks. One early morning near closing time, some of the men started complaining about their wives, telling each other how lazy, no account, dishonest, disloyal, cheap, fat, sorry, and ugly their wives were. My friend's husband, Jim, said nothing. Finally, one of the men asked Jim about his wife. It was the first time he had ever really thought about his wife in comparison to the other men's wives, and he was suddenly deeply thankful, "Oh, I am not going to tell you about my wife, because it would make you all mad." The men insisted, so he told them, "She's beautiful, with long, pretty blond hair.
She is always so sweet, and will do anything for me."
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Negative Influence

My three-year-old cousin is watching The Jungle Book, a movie I used to watch no less than 623 times a week, and yet I am just noticing the talking back and bad attitudes in the movie. Though it's really short, and everything turns out okay, my cousin will record that and put it in the archives of her little brain, later to take it out and use it. She'll use everything she learns now, later.
Our Job
Yes, we do have jobs! I know, "Teens are just supposed to have fun!" and grow up later, right? Wrong. We have jobs, and very, very important ones as influencers. I'm sure you've seen the movie, read the book, and been in a situation where a snotty-nose, grundgy handed little kid with dirty clothes follows you and hangs on your every word. I've certainly been there, and I think that those who haven't, need to be.
Those children are our jobs.
Get that! These kids are worse than mothers and hear everything we say, watch everything we do, and repeat it later. We must take it upon ourselves to be role models to the younger generation. (that makes us sound earth-old.)
I hope I am pressing on you the importance of our situation.
We are responsible for the kid next door!