Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Another Kiwi!!!

We had a bull-riding on Sunday and I met a teenage girl named Kiwi! Who knew?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Daily Devotional, Oct. 29th

Yes, only the Holy Spirit can convict and convert the soul - but He is pleased to use us as His instruments. What a responsibility and privilege! -TBC

Now then we are the ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we4 pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. -2 Cor. 5:20

-Taken from Apples of Gold, a daily devotional.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Beautiful Day!!

I haven't felt a bit tired, sleepy, or sick all day! This is wonderful! I've kept up doing schoolwork ALL morning, I've gotten MOST of my housework done, and my Anne of Green Gables - the Sequal DVD arrived in the mail today! :-) It's such a beautiful day. AND, I've almost gotten my competition fiddle tune DOWN PAT. At least, I hope I do. Watch, I'm probably doing something totally off, and Sherry's gonna have a fit. LOL

So, Rachel, you and the kids are all sick?! That's sad! I've taken silver and stuff, so I'll be fine. Poor Koepkes! Oh, how did Mook and Erinn take the sugar?? Did they react too terribly??

www.crossbowsmusic.com is up and running! Thanks to Joe's efforts and mine. I'm excited!! :-)

Love to all!! <3 Allie

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We enjoyed having Mum, Alex, and Gabby over here for a few hours yesterday!!
I was reading a little book about goats to Gabby and it showed a kid nursing from a doe and she knew the kid was getting milk. She looked at it real close and said, "But your goats have big.... BIG... uh.... big panties!" LOL A big udder, where the milk comes from? "Oh yeah! A big udder."

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Alex, what happened to your daily posts????

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Woot. :-)

Katie and I in our hats that we wore to the festival. Ha.

Clan Keith - is that sign not awesome?!

Ceildih Country Dancers, Ft. Worth, Texas.

I love bagpipes!! He played a medly of Rowan Tree and Bonnie Blue Flag.

The clan Cameron.

Boyscouts with some flags.

Monday, October 16, 2006


It has rained all day here! In fact, it started last night. Praise the Lord! I wonder, though, do people really forget how to drive safely when it rains after a long dry spell? Halcy, does Erich have any insight about that? Because somebody crashed through the fence into the bull patch this afternoon. His car looks totalled! Thankfully, Rowdy arrived home immediately afterward and moved the bulls and horses to other pastures, so nothing got on the road. Just thought I'd share our little bit of excitement for the day!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fish Update (as if you cared.)

We now have 10 baby fish! They're adorable. We took both of the grown fish out, not knowing which was male and which was female, or if they would eat the babies or not. So! Now the younger fish don't stay at the bottom of the tank in fear all day long; they rather swim freely about the tank! Yay.

I'm reading Jane Eyre and it's so sad! :-) I cry just about every time I read it.

Katie and I went to a Scottish Festival with Lolox today; picturestofollow. (Moretofollow.) :-) I have to download them tonight, and I'm really tired and lazy and all that jazz and I just won't get up right now. LOL

G'night!! -Allie

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I dont like mice. Why do they like our house so much? I'm a really mean person. I kill them when ever I can but they just cant seem to learn to stay out. (stupid stupid mice!!)
Mooky had a really bad day, but he went to the cabin this evening with us anyway. He usually LOVES to go, but really just didnt feel good. In the end, he was glad he went. Probably just gettting out of the house helped. We just had to check on the water and animals for Tommy because they've gone to Kentucky for two weeks.
Erinn had a really good day because her Silkie chicks started hatching under the Silver Dutch (banty) hen that was setting on them. They are so cute. She really was excited. :o)

Deer picture.

Hey, Mum! Here's the deer pic I was talking about a while back. Do you remember the NZ man who gave it to me? Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thank you for wishing me a sweet sixteenth birthday!! I had a wonderful one!!
(ahem... that picture of me when I was little is exceptionally bad.)


Messiah's Mansion

We went to Tyler to see a life-size copy of the Tabernacle. What a great learning experience!!! The tour took 75 minutes and we each learned a lot. If you can make it to Tyler before this next Sunday, I urge you to do so. You can also go to www.messiahsmansion.com to learn about the group presenting it.

Tana said, "When we get home I want to learn all about the tabernacle!" {Smile} So we are learning to do lapbooks a la Cindy Rushton.

Dalton is currently absorbed in Michael Pearl's new book, "Good & Evil", a cartoon-style depiction of the Bible. He wants to learn to draw like that, he says. He just now said, "Hey, here's the tabernacle!... But the tents aren't half a mile away like they're supposed to be." Hee, hee! Yep, we all learned something!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Birthday to Alex!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
How do you like this old picture taken right before your surgery???
How was your day?
Did you get any stage presents?? LOL

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tana and Erinn - April 06
Playing dress up!

Mooky and JonJon~
This was taken about 2 weeks ago on a rare day when he felt good enough to ride the four wheeler for a while.

MacDonald Family Singers

This is really neat! I love their music - we have one of their cds, but I just now had the thought to link to them so that others can enjoy their music as well!


Visit it! Hehe, and watch one of the girls yodeling. It's great.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pictures of the Girls!

Gabriella and Erinn walk down-town!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Archery anyone?

Tana came bouncing in the house Tuesday night saying, "You said no guns for Christmas; could we have bows and arrows?!" LOL She was so excited by it, all doubt was gone. And Rowdy said she never hit the target even once. But she was not discouraged, no, not even by the fact that Dalton hit a bulls' eye! I'm so proud of her.

And I'm proud of Dalton for continuing to try even though his first few shots were nowhere near the target. Rowdy could tell he wanted to give up in disgust, but he didn't, and was rewarded with the aforementioned bulls' eye.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Little Brag on my Children

We had the 4-H Shooting Sports awards banquet the other night and I just have to brag on my children a little. They were both on the junior rifle team that went to district, so they each got a medal for that. (Cheers and applause!) Then Dalton got the award of "Top Gun" in the junior division and received a plaque. (More cheering and clapping!)

They've just started the new season in rifle and tonight they will go to archery. Tana is undecided as to whether she wants to do archery, but she's going tonight to find out.

Facing the Giants

Watch Facing the Giants if you can and give it good reviews.
It looks very, very good. And with good acting.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Good morning, everyone! Here's the new literature site of mine.

Alison McKenzie Writes

I like the layout. What do ya'll think?

Last night we went to some friend's house that we hadn't really visited with for about 5 or 6 years. That was really weird, because I remembered everything about their house. It was so neat. We played Kickball, which is just like baseball, except instead of hitting the ball with a bat you kick it. EVEN MRS. LAWLESS, my Geometry Teacher, got out there and played it, as well as Mrs. Hauck, and they are both in their mid forties, if not early fifties. Gabe said he was counting ladies and thought he would have to give up his chair, but none of the ladies sat but Ni! Very cool! We also played Dutch Blitz, Stare!, and our fiddles. One other boy there played the fiddle, and one played the guitar, so we just 'fiddled' around playing our own little peices. We couldn't figure out what key to play with the guitar in! So frustrating.

Rach, how's Mook doing? What about YOUR headaches and stuff? Is it just getting off caffeine?
And Kiwiwiwiw? How are you?

Love ya'll!! -Allie